Saturday, January 26, 2008

Super Race Day

Well things went great! The cyclist were in rare form today for sure. There were some odd things going on today for sure! The photos tell all.

We had a great time. Looking forward to seeing everyone in Feb. on the 16th.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Dubuque Tripple D Race

Well we went and gave it our best shot. The conditions were extreme! And the course was not much better. But that's the Idea. Due to a frozen our broken free hub I headed back after 8 miles threw the snow that was 6-8 inches deep in some places and very rutted. I did complete 16 miles total in 2:25 along with Brian Benson who was also having some problems.
Four bad ass cyclist did complete the event in a liitle more than 8 hrs. There were 56 paid cyclist ,35 started and 4 finished. We had a good time overal.
Fix the bike for this weekend and go again!
So this coming weekend we will be hosting our own winter race and the weather looks to be great!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Race Course

Sunday was cold with a lite wind. I began the course in western Webster County riding the Lizard Creek Valley east towards Fort Dodge. Some nice little hills, some flats and a overall great ride. Approximate distance was around 22 miles minus the Loomis loop.
Hope for some decent weather!

Vintage 1997 Ski Bike! Fun behind a snowmobile or down hill