Thursday, November 30, 2006

2007 Fort Dodge XC Races set.

Well it's done! 2007 Events are set for Fort Dodge area.
First is the Amigos Sub Zero XC Series. Three fun events, food and prizes. Fun for all.
Dates are Jan. 13th, Feb. 10th and March 3rd. All events will be based from Amigos. Regisrtation will be from 9am til 10:30 am race at 11:00am awards and food will follow event.
You can register online at or the day of event.

Then we will be hosting one IMBCS Series race this year and that will be the good ol Terror in the Timber at Oleson Park in Fort Dodge, Iowa on Sept. 16th. More info on this event to come in the near future.

Looking forward to seeing everone at the races.

MatthewJ. Byrne
River City Cycling Promotions
Joker Racing

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Loomis Park Trails

Went ridin in Loomis Park last night. Had to cut a few big down trees off the trail. May be working on the bridges this weekend if things work out.
Should be in great shape for upcoming races.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Winter Snow XC Series? Oh Yea!

It's in the works. Another season for the Amigos Winter Snow XC Series. Dates will be coming soon. First race may be in December?

Maybe you now some of these folks?

In the Army

Well I have been out of the US Army for some time now. They still want me I guess. Yesterday I received paperwork from the Army mentioning possiable re activation for active duty.
What a screwed up mess!

Monday, November 06, 2006

DesMoines Dirty Dual

What an awesome event! We had a lot of fun. Minus the pain. I do hope this event returns for 07 and maybe a couple new ones around the state.
Well time to ice my ankle for a while.

matt b

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lovin it

A little photo of myself feeling the glory of a great ride. Gota love it!