Saturday, November 24, 2007

Been a While

Well it has been some time since I posted here. But I am still around.
Just been riding, running and racing. Starting some training for next years season and the Hy Vee Triathlon.

Last week we ran the Living History Farms XC Run. Went well. I trimmed about 22 minutes off last years time. I was digging that. Next year I hope to cut things by 10 more minutes.

Just started a Yahoo group for the Fort Dodge Area cyclist, runners and mutli sporters. So check it out. A great tool for the locals to get together and chat about local cycling and running.

Also we have been working on the trails in Oleson and Loomis Parks.
Oleson parks trails are all cleaned up except for a section with a tree down that needs cut up.
Also i began cutting in a new trail along the valley by the band shell. We are planning a couple of races of some sort for 08.

Well time to go fire up the grill.
Have a great Thanksgiving weekend.