Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Race re-scheduled to March 10 th

Due to current snow and ice conditions and forecast for more, up to 12 inches. So the race is re-scheduled for march 10 th . If that does not work that's it, because I'm going racing!
This will be a St.Pats Day snow bike xc at Amigos.
Come out and have some fun.

matthew j byrne

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gravel Road Ridin!

What a great day fora ride. Rode 17 miles today from my place to Kennedy Lake via snowy gravel roads. Temp was nice, wind light and the single speed did it's job. That old single speed is addictive. But I'm still looking forward to riding a geared bike this season at most of the races.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Off Road Dualathlon

Well the time is getting closer. Tim & I are training along with Brian in preparation for our debut for the 2007 cycling season in Lawrence Kansas. We are competing in one of the dual series races in Kansas in March. Should be a great time. Also a great test to see where I am at with my training so far.
My new Klein Attitude XXX will be going south to Rasmussen Bike Shop for completion by the great mechanics they have on staff. I no it will be ready to race when they finish it.
So if you need a new bike, repairs or anything else involved with cycling, Rasmussen Bike Shop is the place to go. I've sent people from around the State to there shop for new bikes. Everyone was super happy with their dealings with Greg and the gang.
Plus they helped me pick out my Quintana Roo tri bike for this summers Hy Vee Triathlon which they are the Official Bike Sponsor.
Well time to go, I am getting some swim coaching today.

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Tim the Trail Master

Tim is the master! Thanks to his atv we pulled two new trail bridges in to place on the Loomis Park Trail. We will mount them in place this spring.
A cold day for some winter fun.

Great Day for a Ride

A little cold but well worth it? Yes it was! Thanks. We all had a great time.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Snow Bike II

Well it's time again to race in the snow. This weekend is Snow Bike II in Ft. Dodge Feb.10th
Should be a little warmer. Looking for a good turn out of riders.

Did BRR this last weekend. Very cold and windy on the way to Rippey. Coming back was great.
